“Capstone Design and Manufacturing” (ME-450)
The educational goal of this capstone design and manufacturing course is to give each student a deep understanding of how to approach open-ended challenges, and to learn how to creatively synthesize, and apply engineering knowledge to the design and manufacturing of real mechanical and electro-mechanical products. Each team builds a functional prototype on which the theoretical calculations are verified. This course involves intensive training in making presentations, reporting, and teamwork. Professor Koren teaches the students how to analyze, speak, and express themselves. He changes the team leader during the course, such that each student will have an opportunity to develop his/her leadership skills.
See samples of ME450 projects from past semesters.
“Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems” (ME-584)
This class introduces a thorough design methodology for CNC systems for machines and robots and offers introduction to design of flexible systems. The textbook for this class is Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems (McGraw Hill, 1983), a book written by Prof. Koren in 1983, and is still being sold (500 copies in 2009; 20,000 copies were sold since 1983).
The class integrates mechatronics design with manufacturing. It elaborated on motors and their precise control and interpolation algorithms to produce 2-D shapes and 3-D spatial geometric forms. It teaches the selection of the right motors for each application based on extreme conditions (e.g., cutting forces) and describes a method of choosing the right gears and leadscrews. Adaptive control, in which the machine itself determines its optimal machine feed, is taught as well.
“Robot Design Applications” (ME-467 & EECS-467)
The textbook that was utilized for this class, Robotics for engineers is a recommended book for engineers who need to learn fundamentals of robotics, including control of robotic arms to generate spatial motions by various kinematics and interpolation algorithms.
Other classes taught by professor Yoram Koren include: